World's first and only fully integrated cloud-based predictive and decision analytics platform in an economic framework to aid value-enhancing decisions - strategic, operating and financial.

  • Predictive Analytics - Supervised and unsupervised machine learning incorporating intelligent sampling, filtering, and over 150 techniques
  • Decision Analytics - Learning models able to optimize and trigger timely metrics to effect best possible decisions
  • Decision Options - A market-based methodology and graphical modeling environment for economic valuation and risk assessment
  • Working from the cloud for high scalability in computing power and data storage, DoT provides locally available and easy to use interfaces to build complex models quickly

Artificial Intelligence for value maximization

Decision Options provides Artificial Intelligence driven decision models for businesses of all sizes and industries. Decision Options Technology (DoT) is the world's first fully integrated cloud-based predictive and decision analytics platform in an economic framework. Using high automation and incorporating a large library of machine learning techniques, deep learning optimizers and best of the breed econometrics, we can go from data to decisions within days or weeks. We partner with clients and invest into incorporating our models in existing workflows. We get rewarded based on actual value delivered and we seek a long relationship with our clients resulting in measurable shareholder value enhancement.


Cloud-based fully automated platform builds and hosts predictive analytics models for repeated use in many client situations and industries

  • Data supplied by clients or aggregated by our partners
  • Models can be easily and agnostically incorporated into existing information and reporting infrastructure
  • Low upfront cost and highly flexible fee structure
  • Rapid building of models - within hours or days
  • Models can be provisioned to a large number of users with built-in usage tracking and billing

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